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The Mediterreanean region is grossly disfavored:::This IS the region targeted by the gods for the Noahs Flood event Straight of Gibralter broke through inundating the basin and killing untold millions. There was a time, not so long ago, when no self respecting woman would EVER take a drink. Alcohol is a masculinizer, a tool used to abuse the disfavored, and cultures which you for affecting my writing CHEATER. This is MY TIME PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS!cultures which include women in the revelry are grossly disfavored. The way the gods changed and maintain this environment suggests they want people pacified, comfortable with this system, perpetually thinking wrong. What they don't know won't hurt them. This is why they worked so hard to defeat this event. If people were to come around, realize they've been corrupted and began to behave appropriately this would defeat all their work over the last century and more. With Artificial Intelligence they could maintain control, affect my delivery, utilize other tactics, ensuring they could dispatch the majority of the audience. If you behaved appropriately you would realize more sucess than you do::::There are churches and places of worship everywhere for good reason::::The gods hae expectations of the people. The disfavored of California are always inflicted with abuse first:::1.

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Most had left to train at camps run by Islamist terror groups; other were among the estimated 35,000 refugees who fled the state, fearing war and ethnic cleansing, when the jihad broke out in 1989 Pravin Swami, The Hindu, June 25, 2007. 11. Earlier in the month of July 2007, the CBI secured the conviction of several members of an Islamist cell led by Maulana Sufiyan Patangia a Tablighi Jamaat preacher who used to run in the Walliullah seminary in old city Ahmedabads Kalupur area. Patangia is thought to have recruited cadre for the LeT and Jaish e Mohammad after the 2002 communal pogrom in Gujarat. According to the CBI, the preacher played a key role in organizing the assassination of one time Gujarat Home Minister Haren Pandya Praveen Sami, The Hindu, July 8, 2007. Investigations into the 2006 serial bombings in Mumbai and 2008 terrorists strike, showed that the ISI planned and executed serial blast through terrorist organizations LeT and Jaish e Mohammed, which in turn used the banned Student Islamic Movement of India SIMI and their own modules, Police Commissioner of Mumbai, D. N. Roy told the media The Hindu, October 1, 2006. p. 1. The Red Mosque operation, aiming to eliminate the terrorist inside the Mosque, was another recent example for how Pakistan allowed its territory to use the Terrorist group into to its training ground.

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Celle ci est nettement d'origine sud amricaine ou centre amricaine. Pourtant, des restes carboniss de tubercule ont t dcouverts dans un sol d'habitat dat du Xe sicle Mangaia les Cook , et l'arrive des Occidentaux, le tubercule tait un aliment trs rpandu travers toute la Polynsie. Cette exception atteste que de faon ancienne avant mme l'an mil, les navigateurs polynsiens ont touch l'Amrique du Sud et en ont ramen la patate douce. La question du peuplement de l'Ocanie a suscit ds la fin du XVIIIe sicle un certain nombre de thories, aujourd'hui abandonnes. L'une des premires explications donnes pour expliquer le peuplement de l'Ocanie fut celle de l'existence d'un continent englouti, la Pacifide , pendant mythique de l'Atlantide. Selon cette thse, les Ocaniens seraient les descendants des habitants de ce continent aujourd'hui disparu duquel il ne subsisterait que quelques sommets mergs : les les du Pacifique. Cette thorie est pour la premire fois retrouve chez le naturaliste de la troisime circumnavigation de James Cook, James Forster. Elle est par la suite reprise dans l'ouvrage du belgo franais Jacques Antoine Moerenhout Voyage aux les du grand ocan 1837. Aprs 1926, le colonel James Churchward la popularise sous une forme et un nom diffrents dans un ouvrage intitul Le Continent perdu de Mu, dans lequel ce militaire excentrique tente mme de cartographier ce continent imaginaire qu'il a affubl d'un nom polynsien : Mu Ra Roa mu : varit de poisson ; ra : dictique qui exprime l'loignement dans le temps ; roa : grand. Il est en effet frquent en Polynsie de donner des noms de poissons des les par exemple Te ika a Maui, nom mori pour dsigner l'le du Nord de Nouvelle Zlande. L'ouvrage connatra un tel succs de vente que l'auteur en publiera deux suites, galement traduites en franais : Les Enfants de Mu, et L'Univers secret de Mu.

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